No wonder dogs are man's best friend. A study finds that dogs and their owners often develop similar personalities. You may have heard that dogs and their owners really do...
Our Blogs
The Wellness Boost Your Dog Deserves: Why Peanut Butter Is More Than Just a Treat
Peanut butter is a beloved treat for many dogs, cherished by pet owners for its versatility and the joy it brings. However, its value extends...
Doggy Dining: Do Dogs Get Tired of Eating the Same Foods
If I look at my 10-year-old Labrador Retriever (Halo) and consider her eating habits. I would say never in a million years does she get...
Sustainable Dog Products: Eco-Friendly Choices for Your Pet
As pet owners, we strive to give our dogs the best care possible. In recent years, an increasing number of people have embraced sustainable living,...
Rise of Canine Social Media Influencers: Turning Your Pup into a Star
In recent years, the internet has witnessed a surge in the popularity of canine social media influencers. From Instagram feeds filled with adorable snapshots to...
Is Your Dog on the List? A Practical Guide to Preventing Ear Infections
Introduction: Why Regular Ear Care Matters If your dog’s breed is on a certain list, regular ear cleaning should be a top priority. Many common...
Why Pet-Friendly Workplaces Are a Win for Everyone: Benefits, Challenges, and Solutions
Taking my dog Halo (a Labrador) to work was an experience filled with joy, laughter, and a few unexpected lessons. From the moment we arrived,...
What Detection Dogs Do and The Top Breeds
Dogs possess an extraordinary sense of smell, which has been harnessed for various applications including the detection of cancer, drugs, food, explosives, and more. Detection...
Why Do Dogs Hide or Bury Their Treats?
Dogs bury their treats for a variety of reasons often rooted in their natural instincts and behaviour. This practice known as caching stems from their...
Do Dental Chews Really Work For A Dogs Oral Health?
Despite its overwhelming impact on your pet's overall health, their dental hygiene is often neglected in both dogs and cats. Periodontal disease can have devastating...